Friday, 4 January 2013

Footings poured

Last business day before we fly home so hopefully our residency renewal will be ready for collection - hard to believe it has already been a year!

Still need to renew the business licence - tried the last two days but the renewal forms weren't printed :)

Also tried to pay the vehicle registration twice but the stickers were still being checked :)

Concrete footings poured .... I think John needs a day off ...he looked exhausted!


Went back to Immigration first to collect our residency renewals. Ah no, couldn't find our file so nothing had been done although we had paid our fee. I expressed our concern that they had lost the file as it would have been 10 months since it had been open but was reassuringly told no, it's not lost, it will be here somewhere (with a wave of the arm around a room laden with folders, files and paperwork). Didn't really make me feel any better! We will supposedly receive our letter via email with cards to be collected by John when he returns in January, stay tuned.

On to licensing to collect the renewal form for the Business Licence. Ah no, still not back from the printers and forms would be there this afternoon. Ha, I told him that's what you told me the last two days! Guaranteed they would be there so we went for lunch and returned at about 3.15pm. Big mistake - forms were ready but the cashier finishes at 3.00pm!! Aaaaarrrgh!!!

Called John to collect me as I was starting to hyperventilate ..... Thought we would stop at TVL to check re conflicting information on whether cable Internet was available to us at Second Lagoon rather than satellite but again big mistake. Asked reception which counter to wait at and after waiting at that counter for 5 minutes with nobody in attendance, I went back to check if she could send someone to assist. Ah no .... he just went on lunch (3.30pm) and would be gone for an hour. I then checked with her that nobody would be able to assist us for an hour and she said yes that's right. So she sent us to an unattended counter to wait for an hour???.

Not a good day for my patience level. We have learned to only try to do one thing per day as then if it doesn't go to plan, your stress level is not too bad but when 3 different attempts went haywire in one day, I was peaking it!!

Back to Vila Chaumieres to chill out :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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