Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Building commences ....

Well John headed over for his 10 week stint to start on the container house and reclamation.  Shelly and I joined him 10 days later.  The block is looking fantastic and Daniel and his brother John (yes, another one) have the two smaller blocks looking great, just as good if not better than they were at Christmas.

Look at those Banana and Paw Paw trees ...
oh, and there's farmer Kerrisk checking all is ok.

First stop was brekkie down at La Tentation in the harbour, wonderful view and nice staff.

We had promised Joel we would come and bring Shelly to visit at his village.  Wonderful part of Efate - we love catching up with Joel and his family up there.  We are always made feel so welcome.  

On the road in the "truck"

Ann-Marie honoured Shelly and I with a dress each that her Aunty had made.  This is a huge honour and we were touched.  Shelly had brought lollies for the children and they will miss her, playing "Duck and Goose" and the treasure hunt for the lollies ... bit of carnage but all in all they had a ball.

 Baby John (yes John's namesake)

Well time for me to go home and leave them to it .... but I'll be back in a few weeks.

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